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Write a custom block

A Block is a component that the editor can control. It's typically a component that has pre-made styles and accepts a few props for changing the content.

Components can expose a styling API using Controls.Style which maps to the sx prop in Theme UI. There are component types you can specify like Typography and Layout to constrain which props are possible.

Adding controls to a component

There are two types of controls that can be exposed. Prop controls map to common JSX primitive prop types like strings, numbers, and enums. There are also style properties which can be added to expose styling knobs and dials.

Prop controls

After instantiating a component, you can use Controls.addPropertyControls which will expose controls in the editor sidepanel.

The following adds a string input for the quote.

Controls.addPropertyControls(BlockQuote.Quote, {
children: {
type: Controls.String,
required: true,
placeholder: 'What did someone say?'
sx: {
type: Controls.Style.Typography

See Controls page

Style controls

If you want to expose style controls, you can do so with Controls.addStyleControls.

Controls.addStyleControls(BlockQuote, Controls.Style.Layout)

Styles controls have particular presets that can be used, too.

  • Controls.Style.Layout
  • Controls.Style.Typography
  • Controls.Style.Variant

sx or css prop controls

You can combine Controls.addPropertyControls with Controls.Style as a shortcut to avoid Controls.addStyleControls. For Theme UI, you'd set it to sx. Using Emotion or Styled Components you can specify css.

Controls.addPropertyControls(BlockQuote.Quote, {
children: {
type: Controls.String,
required: true,
placeholder: 'What did someone say?'
sx: {
type: Controls.Style.Typography

Using a block

The Blocks editor accepts a blocks prop where you specify the component, its import location, and its usage. When the block is dragged onto the canvas, the usage code is what ends up in the document.

import React from 'react'
import { Editor } from 'blocks-ui'
import { HeaderBasic } from '@blocks/components'
export default () => <Editor blocks={{ HeaderBasic }} jsx={myJSX} />

Example block component

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
import { Link } from '@theme-ui/components'
import { ControlType, applyPropertyControls } from 'property-controls'
const HeaderBasic = ({ justifyContent = 'space-between', ...props }) => {
return (
variant: 'styles.header',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
HeaderBasic.Logo = props => {
return (
variant: 'styles.navLink',
p: 2
HeaderBasic.Nav = props => {
return <nav {...props} />
HeaderBasic.Link = props => {
return (
variant: 'styles.navLink',
p: 2
applyPropertyControls(HeaderBasic, {
justifyContent: {
type: ControlType.Enum,
defaultValue: 'right',
options: ['space-between', 'start', 'space-evenly']
sx: {
type: ControlType.Style
const linkControls = {
children: {
title: 'Text',
type: ControlType.String,
required: true
to: {
title: 'URL',
type: ControlType.String,
defaultValue: '#!',
required: true
sx: {
type: ControlType.Style
applyPropertyControls(HeaderBasic.Logo, linkControls)
applyPropertyControls(HeaderBasic.Link, linkControls)
HeaderBasic.usage = `
<HeaderBasic.Logo to="/">Hello</HeaderBasic.Logo>
<HeaderBasic.Link to="/about">About</HeaderBasic.Link>
<HeaderBasic.Link to="/blog">Blog</HeaderBasic.Link>
<HeaderBasic.Link to="/contact">Contact</HeaderBasic.Link>
export default HeaderBasic
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